5 Tips for an Unforgettable Surf Trip

Peru surf trips

Is there anything better than taking your board and jump into the road with friends to discover new waves and unforgettable experiences? We assure you that no. But you must always take precautions for the coveted trip ends badly. Therefore, since we want to TEAM SURF PERU 5 Tips for an Unforgettable Surf Trip  on what to keep in mind when organizing the surf trip of a lifetime.

surf trips– How to choose your companions. For a surf trip out a hitch either have to choose who you’re going to discover these new beaches. There will always be more fun if we all have the same tastes and interests. Probably go with your closest friends and know well, but if you have to add someone outside your inner circle, try to have the same vision as your trip so there are no conflicting interests and bad environment. A bad choice can turn a dream trip into a nightmare.






peru surf– Think about the basics. Yes, we do have fun and surf, but we must also think about the most basic things: good food, plenty of water, sunscreen, etc. Whichever is the destination, you may get simple things in a city are not there. Think of all the basic needs and then think only of the surf and fun.









surfer-girls-– Try to avoid unwanted situations, but certainly something happens: a traffic ticket, a fault, a minor accident or illness. These things happen and we must face them with the best possible attitude. Use common sense and take appropriate decisions. Remember to always bring your documentation and medical records in case of a chronic disease and thus avoid a minor setback can complicate.





equiment surf– Prepares, always appropriate to the destination or type of travel you want to do necessary equipment. Of course, as usual on a surf trip is to use a caravan or a modified van. But nothing prevents you from doing your surf trip taking your table in the sidecar of a motorcycle. Check and see that the vehicle is in good condition before you get on the road. If you go camping, check the store before too. Do not take everything, but do not forget anything.











gps– You must make a plan for your surf trip … or not. Some people prefer to plan each stage and each destination to perfection and who takes to the road to see where it takes the destination. Both options can be used, but do not forget the GPS or a road map to avoid getting lost in an inhospitable place without coverage. Incidentally, do not forget my phone charger, which should always have it handy.






Following these five simple 5 Tips for an Unforgettable Surf Trip to secure our peru surf trip becomes an adventure we will remember all our lives. Mood and prepare the journey that can change your life.

To more information: www.teamsurfperu.com

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